Today I was talking to Professor Thomas Plagemann of the University of Oslo about programming languages like Simula (invented, of course, by Ole-Johan Dahl and Kristen Nygaard there) and Ruby.
When I got back home, I started looking at some innovative programming paradigms and I came across two great articles:
- Language Workbenches: The Killer-App for Domain Specific Languages? by Martin Fowler (of Refactoring fame)
- Building a DSL in Ruby – Part I written only today by Ruby guru
RossRuss Olsen
Martin Fowler’s article gives a glimpse of the future of programming: Domain Specific Languages (DSL). And Ross Russ Olsen’s article shows how to use Ruby to create an impressive quiz application which implements a DSL and which is 100% configurable at run time.
I’m sure that you’ll be impressed by Ruby’s elegance and power.
Thanks for the kind words — in fact if you keep saying nice
things you can spell my name any way you want ;-)
Sorry Ros… Russ!