At last!
Amazon has just sent me the book Agile Web Development with Rails that I ordered one month ago.
This book focuses on Ruby on Rails, the open source framework to write web applications in the Ruby programming language (which is making a lot of buzz on the Internet right now).
Previously, I had purchased Programming Ruby.
I guess I can start experimenting with Rails a lot more now as I finally have the two books pictured on the right :-)
By the way, both Ruby on Rails and Ruby Gems, the Ruby package manager, have just been updated. I did this on my Linux box:
sudo gem update --system
sudo rm /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/source_cache
sudo gem install rails
By the way, here is a tip I got from the Agile Web Development with Rails book on how to generate the Ruby on Rails API documentation automatically:
rails dummy
cd dummy
rake rails:freeze:gems
echo >vendor/rails/activesupport/README
rake doc:rails
A directory called api will be created into the doc directory. Move it to the desktop and, voilà, you have the complete API documentation.
Have fun!
(Image courtesy of Spuggy, source_cache tip from ImaPenguin and Ruby Gems tip from Gregory Brown)
i downloaded
1) Agile_Web_Development_With_Rails-2nd_Ed_Beta
2) Rails_Recipes__Pragmatic_2006.06_
4) Ruby_on_Rails_Up_and_Running
from [some URL that curiousEngine gave but which I have removed because I do not want to condone piracy here – Avinash]
currently downloading:
Instant Rails 1.7 (59.21 Mb) and ruby plug-in for Eclipse:
It is also possible to use Ruby Development Tools also i think:
and yes, Photo Courtesy:
Ahhh Today its Ruby on Rails, and tomorrow ErlyWeb maybe???
Erlang is a great language programming language for solving many different kinds of problems that are outside of its original domain (telcom). For some problems, it’s the best.
– With ErlyWeb, Erlang makes an excellent toolkit for building webapps (especially those that go beyond simple CRUD). To web developers, it provides a unique blend of an industrial-strength platform and a simple, flexible, and powerful programming model.
An application of the emerging ErlyWeb:
RoR is just too great for developing web applications! Slowly I’am migrating all the “old” php scripts at work towards RoR apps. You can also have a look at the Rails Cookbook (Oreilly) which is very very helpful, with lots of tips and tricks.
To curiousEngine:
I suppose you have noticed that I removed the URL you gave. As for ErlyWeb, why not? In fact, I’ve started looking at Seaside lately. So I guess I’ll have to have a look at ErlyWeb.
To Asvin:
I was wondering whether to buy the Rails Cookbook and in the end I bought some other book. I’ll buy it next time :-)
Do you think it is still important to teach PHP now or is this kind of programming outdated? I’m asking because I’m setting up a new programme with some colleagues at the UoM and this is something that has been troubling me for some time…
I still think PHP has a major role to play in the future, with PHP5 object oriented and great features like SimpleXML. IMHO I see PHP scripts for frontend apps and RoR apps for all the backend stuff, and that’s what I’am actually trying to do at work ;-)