There is more music is being released today in a single day than was released in the calendar year of 1989!
This is due to much more people, including myself, being able to create and release music thanks to technology. This is a very good thing even though quality is very variable.
An issue is discovery as most music being released today will only be listened by very few people as the algorithms used by YouTube and Spotify tend to favour the same artists, generally old ones, over and over again.
Old music is basically killing new music as explained by Ted Gioia in The Atlantic and on his website and this is a very bad thing for the new artists and the future of the industry, not to mention the art itself.
One solution which works for me
For those like me who think that (some of the) new music is as good as old music, it is essential to have a discovery mechanism. I use one based on various techniques such as following new music genres, new artists (and from them discover similar artists) and reading a lot about music. As a musician, I feel it is important to know what is happening in the world of music.
I have also been using Last.fm for twenty years and I am a fan of RateYourMusic too. These have good recommendation algorithms.
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