Deutschland 83 is a television series depicting Martin Rauch (Jonas Nay), code name Kolibri, a border patrol guard from East Germany who, in 1983, is sent to West Germany as an undercover spy for the HVA (Main Directorate for Reconnaissance i.e. foreign intelligence agency) of the Stasi (Ministry for State Security). The series started in June 2015 but we started watching it only last year. We are enjoying it in the original German (with English subtitles of course).
The second season is called Deutschland 86 and is set in 1986. We will watch the first episode of this second season tonight. A third season, Deutschland 89, will air later this year, 1989 being the year of the fall of the Berlin Wall.
I highly recommend Deutschland 83 and 86 to all fans of spy TV shows and movies. It’s also a great psychological and historical drama. Give it a go if you like TV shows like The Americans and you won’t regret it.
Danke sehr.
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