A few weeks ago, I blogged about the imminent start of our MQA-approved Object-Oriented Programming in Java course next Monday 20 April. The topics which are going to be covered in depth are:
- Object-oriented analysis, design and programming
- The Java programming language
- The Java class library including Collections and Input/Output
- Generics and Multithreading
- Unit testing (including the use of JUnit and mock objects)
Notice that the focus is both on object-orientation as well as Java. In my opinion, someone who aspire to eventually master enterprise technologies like Struts, Spring and Hibernate needs to have both skills.
Designing object-oriented software is hard. Expert designers know not to do is solve every problem from first principles. They reuse solutions that have worked before. That is why I am putting so much emphasis on sound object-oriented design principles (including the use of design patterns.)
In the coming weeks, Knowledge Seven Ltd will launch two further Java courses which will build upon this foundation Object-Oriented Programming in Java course:
- Web Application Development in Java with a focus on presentation layer technologies such as Servlets, Struts 2 and possibly innovative frameworks such as Wicket. The objective is to allow the trainee to build a complete 2-tier web application using JDBC for persistence.
- Entreprise Java with Spring and Hibernate with a focus on using Spring and Hibernate to build a complete 3-tier enterprise application. The trainee will use the facilities found in Spring (including dependency injection and AOP) to build the domain logic layer of the application. He/she will also use the object-relational mapping facilities of Hibernate for data persistence.
These two courses are intensive and the trainee(s) will have to possess a good mastery of object-orientation and Java in order to follow them satisfactorily (for example, by following this Object-Oriented Programming in Java course.) In fact, I have purposely designed the three courses to be complementary.
There are still seats left and it would be a pleasure for us to train you or people from your company. Do not hesitate to contact us!
Keen to be there on Monday :-)
I’m busy getting everything ready for Monday. I hope you’ll like the course :-)
Finished the course today and hats off, it was excellent. I strongly recommend it to both fresh graduates and professional programmers who need to get a firm understanding of OO concepts and Java. Through the training was organised into two intensive 3 hour slots per day at no point did I feel tired or bored.
Thanks Raj for your comment and your encouragements.
During the five days, I really did my best to share what I know about Java and Object-Oriented Programming in a very pragmatic way (no bullshit!). I am happy that you, a professional C# programmer with years of experience, have benefited from the course.
Personally, I am very satisfied with the number of topics we have covered as well as the very substantial amount of Java code all trainees have written. There is no substitute from writing real code when learning…
Now I only need to tell (and convince) the whole country that I am offering an “excellent” Object-Oriented Programming in Java course :-)
Hello sir. I want a good book on learning java. I’m actually in holidays, did my A-level last year. Applied for CS for uni for this year’s intake. I would like to know some info & advice. I know a bit of programming.VB 6 (fairly good), Pascal (very basic stuffs), C++ (I/O, arrays, string class, structures, pointers, loops & branching statements, simple funtions with parameter passing. Not complicated stuff mostly simple constructs & short stuff..) I’m using the book C++ Primer Plus by stephen Prata for learning c++.. it’s been awsome so far.. excellent book. I’m learning so that i will not be left completely in the dark in uni.
Someon who is doing CS in uom told me C++ is no longer taught as there is a high number of failures.. They are doing Java instead. Im also told that for first year they r learning prog using python. Is this true? If this is the case then i might drop learning c++… n can u recomend me a good book for learning java n python? (based on the things i know above.. not absolute beginner).
Btw, u can check my forum :P
Thanks in advance!
Hi! Yes, it’s true. Students at the UoM are taught programming using Python. Then they learn software engineering (ahem) using Java…
I think they use Deitel’s book for Python. It’s rather old and outdated. Maybe something like Dive Into Python could be ideal for you (as you already have some programming experience.)
As for the Java book, I like Bruce Ekcel’s Thinking in Java (the 4th edition — the other editions are outdated.) But learning the Java syntax is just a first step. You’ll have to move to object-oriented programming and design patterns next. This is the kind of thing I do in my Java course…
Thanks for shedding some light on this. Damn i am right into C++ and this will be heartbreaking for me to stop it along the road. I think i’ll continue with it so as to grasp it’s principles & concepts as it uses the same paradigms as java.
[quote]You’ll have to move to object-oriented programming and design patterns next.[/quote]
Yes u are right. I’ll have to dive into this next. This is the heart of those languages…
Thanks for the opinions about the books. I’ll defintely take a look at it.
The contents of the course is really impressive. I have done similar stuffs for Object Oriented development module for my MSc and i must say it really helped me a lot even though i knew java programming before hand (lil bit). The notion of writing proper javadoc, usecase, class diagram, especially using JUNIT especially makes programming more fun. I’m sure by the end of this course, all your students will find programming fun and be very confident about learn new thing (J2ME, Java card, etc)!!
Anyway, best of luck
Thanks. A first training session took place a few weeks ago and everyone (including yours truly) was delighted :-)
hello sir,
i am a university student..
wanted to know if you could help me for my dissertation project for final year IT..
Its concerning streaming media files, ports, etc..
if you can, then contact me on
you also tell me the price after you have studied the requirements..
thnking u
Maybe you’re too naive to realise that what you’re asking is stupid…
Can you please tell me if there is any course on Java and android currently?
Dear Kousy,
Thanks for asking. Right now, we have not planned any Java nor Android course for the public. As soon as we do so, we will let you know.